Most people have a 25 Years Of Bad Boys Ride Die Together Signatures Shirt 10-year-old understanding of it. I remember when I was in like 5th grade and first learned this stuff, and yelling at my parents in arguments I can say whatever I want because of the first amendment. That’s how these people are. I genuinely believe it’s because we raised an entire generation (Baby boomers and to a lesser extension generation x) to “fear the red menace” and in the modern-day without an “enemy”, they are incapable of taking things at nuance. My father is the same way but he’s not a Republican, yet he still wants to have an enemy to oppose
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They really think it’s some sort of 25 Years Of Bad Boys Ride Die Together Signatures Shirt grand argument ender. I saw someone claiming they didn’t have to wear a mask because even being asked violated their first amendment rights. They could not answer how when pressed on it. Yea so many people don’t get that. They think the level of education is a sign of character and intelligence. Most education is a sign of how well a said person was able to learn stuff by heart and how much they are ready to suffer for it. Neither of these two is a sign of intelligence, and merely a sign of “this person is probably not lazy”
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