diversion. As for me, I must leave, and discuss this with Professors Snape and McGonagall.” Snape grasped Fawkes’s tail, said “Headmaster’s quarters,” and was gone. Neville asked, “Why did he have to Back The Blue America Love Heart Independence Day Shirt use Fawkes?” “He can’t be seen leaving Gryffindor Tower,” Harry explained. “There’s probably people who heard me scream outside the dormitory door, and if they see him, it’ll be all around the school. People would wonder why.”
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“Neville,” said Dumbledore seriously, “I must ask you not to reveal to anyone Professor Snape’s presence here, or any inferences it may cause you to make. Can you do that?” “Of course, sir,” Neville said. Harry got the impression that Neville only kept indignation out of his voice because it was Dumbledore he was talking to. “Thank you, Neville. Minerva and I will be off. Harry, I am of course at your disposal at any time.” They left. “Oh, Harry,” said Hermione, burying her head in Harry’s shoulder. “You’re so brave, I really fear for you sometimes.” Harry looked puzzled. Ron, seeing this, said, “I think he’s trying to work out whether that’s a compliment or not, Hermione.” “You know exactly what I mean, Ron,” she said, a Back The Blue America Love Heart Independence Day Shirt bit sternly. Ron sighed. “Yeah, I suppose I do.” To Harry, he said, “It’s like, it’s great that you’re so brave and everything, but sometimes I think we wonder if you’re a little too brave… if you know what I mean. I mean, one of those in one night, that’s plenty.” • 347 • “Maybe you’re right… I just want to win this, I want to beat him,” Harry said. “You will, Harry, you will,” assured Ginny. “And we’ll be right here with you.” “Hey, how about another fly? That was good yesterday. Ginny, you can come with us.” “That sounds good,” Ginny agreed.
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“Hermione, you might want to try to get some sleep. It wasn’t that long after I relieved you that this happened, you couldn’t have hardly gotten any sleep.” “No, I think I had just dropped off when it happened,” Hermione said. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to, but I’ll give it a try. If I can’t, I’ll just take a Back The Blue America Love Heart Independence Day Shirt nap in the afternoon. You all have a nice fly.” She gave Harry’s hand a last squeeze and climbed into Dean’s bed. Ginny Summoned her broom from her dormitory as Ron and Harry grabbed theirs, and they headed out the portrait hole. Only the very beginnings of dawn were visible as they strode out of the castle. “Why were there no Gryffindors in the
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