there he is.” “I prefer not to unless there is a real need. I don’t like to disturb him.” “Sorry, Professor. When I got back to my class, I told him he could go ahead back to your office, but he just stayed. I was wondering what to Being A Property Manager Is Easy Its Like Riding A Bike Except The Bike Is On Fire Youre On Fire Shirt do, but I just decided it was better not to argue with him, and wait to talk to you.” “A wise move, Harry. Phoenixes tend to know what is best. If one does a certain thing, he is bound to have a good reason.”
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“So, why has he done this, sir? Why does he stay with me?” “Fawkes has decided to Being A Property Manager Is Easy Its Like Riding A Bike Except The Bike Is On Fire Youre On Fire Shirt care for you for the duration of your crisis. He will stay with you, almost twenty-four hours a day, until the danger from Voldemort has passed.” Harry knew enough about phoenixes to know that this was a very good thing. “That’s great, sir. Is this something you told him to do?” “One does not ‘tell’ a phoenix to do something, Harry, one requests it,” Dumbledore explained. “One does not ‘own’ a phoenix, one cares for it, or serves as a companion to it. I could have requested that Fawkes do this, but it would have been highly presumptuous of me. It would be a bit like telling a person whom they should love.” Harry didn’t see how the analogy worked. “I don’t understand, sir.” “Fawkes will stay with you and care for you, Harry. He will sing to help you to sleep, and throughout your sleep, to assist you in your struggle with Voldemort. This is not a task a phoenix undertakes lightly. It is a serious commitment, and phoenixes are very discriminating creatures. They will not do this for just anyone, to put it mildly.
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Will he suffer like I will?” • 308 • Dumbledore smiled proudly. “You are very worthy of his attention, Harry. . To answer your question, he will suffer no discomfort. He will mainly have to. Being A Property Manager Is Easy Its Like Riding A Bike Except The Bike Is On Fire Youre On Fire Shirt.. concentrate harder than usual, I believe would be the human equivalent. To put it another way, he is joining you in your fight. We fellow humans can give you emotional and moral support; Fawkes can do more. He will be of great help to you.” Harry had no difficulty believing that. He turned his head to look at Fawkes. “Thank you, Fawkes,”
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