I understand the Black Panther Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt reasoning but IDK if this is the cure. It’ll definitely work for a while. I blew up at games quite often and broke lots of controllers and HATED myself after I did that but I’d do it again. I had to dig a lot deeper into why and what I could do to not do that dumb stuff anymore. Honestly, it involves therapy, meditation, exercise, and just learning that when my blood starts to boil I have to put the damn controller down for 5 minutes. I am ashamed, but I did this during the summer. We had just bought a new tv, and on 2 and day, I was playing DarkSouls 3, was stuck on dragon Slayer for the past 3 hours, rage, and threw the controller.
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It was good that the tv had insurance, and Black Panther Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt that’s how I got my Xbox taken away from me. Tbh taking the console away improved my grade a lot, even came first in the whole grade lol. Black Panther Thank You For The Memories Signature ShirtI’m not a parent, but I think the best way to handle this would be to make him do chores to earn the TV back because that’s the most realistic consequence. If you were an adult and you broke your TV you’d need to buy another one. I don’t think you should take away the things that aren’t related, because if he/she broke something that was already theirs, I think they might’ve learned to not break things because they are hard to replace
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