He knows three things, how to wear people down with relentless bullshit, how to. Cigar Social Distancing Vintage Shirt con people. And suing people who stand up to him. I said this yesterday, but if social media utterly shut down between now and the election that would hurt Trump far more than Biden. Trump and the Republicans need social media to spread their disinformation. And for Russia to undermine our democracy to give them an edge. Biden and the Democrats can still get their message out just fine simply using traditional news outlets, as they are not relying on the same misinformation campaign that the Republicans are to win.
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It is so weird. Trump wasn’t even censored at all (even though Twitter is a Cigar Social Distancing Vintage Shirt private platform and could censor him if they wanted to). Letting Twitter fact check something and communicate their findings while not censoring anything is the definition of free speech. We may suspend or terminate your account or cease providing you with all or part of the Services at any time for any or no reason, including, but not limited to, if we reasonably believe: (i) you have violated these Terms or the Twitter Rules and Policies or Periscope Community Guidelines, (ii) you create risk or possible legal exposure for us Under the draft order, the Commerce Department would ask the Federal Communications Commission for new regulations clarifying when a company’s conduct might violate the good faith provisions of Section 230 — potentially making it easier for tech companies to be sued.
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It’s a death threat, from the president, against his political dissidents. Right before he goes off to stifle free speech through an executive order. And meanwhile, the police force is brutally murdering unarmed citizens at will. I hope this is it. I don’t know anything about him, but sometimes people are good, and it would be nice if this were one of those cases. I’ll refrain from holding my breath. Frankly, I don’t get this EO. It’s like Trump literally shooting himself in the foot. His entire schtick is saying untrue things, insulting people, spouting conspiracies…. not kicking him would be bonkers. We all know the real, and only, the reason he ever even did ANYTHING: it got to the point that he could no longer funnel taxpayer into his pockets by golfing. At that point, he finally decided to Cigar Social Distancing Vintage Shirt to do something. And now that he can golf again, he no longer cares.
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