It can be done, of course.” He paused, regarded Harry, and asked, “Are there any more objections you can think of?” Sure that Dumbledore was teasing him, Harry decided to joke back: “Give me a Cocker Spaniel Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Life Shirt minute, I’m thinking.” With a smile in his eyes, Dumbledore made an ‘as you like’ gesture, and waited. Harry finally said, “I can’t think of any now… probably I’ll think of a dozen tonight, but then it’ll be too late.” “May I take that as an acceptance of the position?
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You need not give me an answer right this minute, you know. If you would like a few days to Cocker Spaniel Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Life Shirt mull it over, you may certainly have them.” “No, thanks, “I know I’ll end up saying yes in the end, and if I take more time to think, I’ll just worry myself into a state, thinking of all kinds of arguments and problems. “Okay, yes, I’ll do it.” “Excellent, Harry.” Dumbledore looked pleased, but in a way that made Harry suspect that Dumbledore had never had a moment’s doubt about Harry’s eventual response. “I deeply appreciate your willingness to do this. I know our students will benefit greatly.” “Well, here’s one way to look at it,” Harry said, half to himself, “I can’t hardly be any worse than Lockhart or Umbridge. That’s some consolation.
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. Something clicked in Harry’s mind, and his eyes narrowed. “Professor, you said that you got more than one letter suggesting that I be made Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. One of those wouldn’t be from Hermione, would it?” In a very amused tone, Dumbledore said, “I’m sorry, but I am not at liberty to divulge the contents or sources of much of my private communications.” • 40 • “I knew it,” Harry exclaimed. He felt exasperated and proud at the same time. “I should emphasize, Harry, that I had the idea to Cocker Spaniel Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Life Shirt do this before it was recommended to me by anyone. If you would like someone to blame, you need to look no further.” Somewhat abashed, Harry said, “No, I don’t really want to blame anyone.
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