“I assume they will choose whichever characterization fits best with the thrust of the article,” Dumbledore mused. “You do, however, have experience with this as well; I trust you will not be bothered by it.” “Usually I just don’t read the paper, that does it okay. Funny how the fact that I’m used to Dachshund Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Life And Changes Shirt being famous is help here.” “It seems fair that it should help now and then, as it is quite a burden most of the time,” Dumbledore agreed. “Now, let’s take you down to Professor McGonagall’s office.” They left Dumbledore’s office, passing the stone gargoyles to which one wants to enter the office had to give the correct password.
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Harry absently wondered what this year’s password would be; his experience was that it was always a sweet or confection of some sort. He then realized that as a teacher, he would be • 41 • told the password as a matter of course. He wondered what other aspects of life at Hogwarts would be different because of his new position. Lost in his musings, he happened to glance up to Dachshund Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Life And Changes Shirt see that they were just about to enter Professor McGonagall’s office. As they walked in, McGonagall stood and looked at Dumbledore expectantly. He smiled and said, “Minerva, may I present to you our new Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor.” Harry glanced around the office, looking embarrassed. McGonagall smiled; a small one, but by her standards, it was a wide grin. “Welcome to the staff, Professor Potter.” Harry nearly flinched.
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“Are people really going to call me that?” he asked plaintively. “I don’t know if I can get used to that.” “Well, if that’s the worst thing to happen to you, you can be very grateful,” advised , I just kind of wished she’d have run it by me first. Of course, I’d have told her that she was off her nut.” “I should think so. You were looking at me in much the same way a short time ago,” Dumbledore observed. “Of course, I am long since used to Dachshund Every Once In A While A Dog Enters Your Life And Changes Shirt it, what with the business with the Daily Prophet last year.” “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that; can you imagine what they’ll do with this? ‘The Boy Who Lived to teach his fellow students at Hogwarts.’” Harry shook his head. “They’ll make me look like a tragic hero or an arrogant upstart, and I’m not sure which is worse.”
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