disturbed. You have done something to Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt another that can never be rectified, and the damage to yourself can never be fully repaired. I could give more examples, but I think you understand my point. Does that answer your question?” “Yes, I guess so,” Harry said. “I had never thought of it that way before, but it makes sense. I didn’t tell you this, but at one point after I caught up with her, she taunted me about Sirius,
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and I lost all control. I–” “I was aware of it, Harry. Even though I was not in the room, I am sensitive to… certain types of spells within a certain radius, and that one was impossible not to notice. Harry nodded again. “I would say that you are right to be concerned and that the very fact that you are concerned is reason to think that you should not be overly concerned. The primary factor to Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt consider here is the overwhelming stress you were under. It is literally difficult to imagine more stressful circumstances. I would be deeply concerned if you had done what you did with forethought and deliberate intent, or if you had been able to sustain the spell. I assume the spell’s effects were brief?” “Yes, very brief. She told me that you have to enjoy inflicting pain to make it work for any length of time. She almost seemed pleased that I’d done it, now that I think about it.” “I would hardly be surprised. What you did could be mental,” said Ron angrily. “I would not put it that way, Ron, but I can see why you would,” allowed Dumbledore. “Professor Snape may well have thought that his way was best. I cannot know his intentions for certain.” “But you suspect them, or you wouldn’t be upset about it,”
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Hermione noted. “I would be disturbed in any case, because the instruction Harry received was counterproductive,” Dumbledore explained, not exactly addressing Hermione’s comment. “It is a necessary part of learning Occlumency that the instructor attempt to Deadpool Fuck You Love You Shirt break into the student’s mind; practice is as necessary as
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