followers still weren’t sure which one it was…” “Yes, I’ve thought the same thing,” agreed Harry. “They probably guessed it was me by then, but they probably wanted to Deadpool Hug Unicorn I Wish I Could Turn Back The Clock I Would Find You Sooner And Love You Longer Shirt do in Neville too, just to be sure. Maybe Neville’s parents had hidden him, just in case… Lestrange and the others caught his parents, tried to make them tell them where Neville was, so they could go kill him.
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..” “…and if there’s anyone who could refuse to crack under torture, it would be a parent trying to protect their child,” Hermione finished. “They knew what would happen if they wouldn’t tell, but they didn’t… to protect Neville…” Hermione looked on the verge of tears again, as did Ginny. Even Ron was having a hard time keeping his face free of emotion. “We don’t know this for sure, of course,” Harry said heavily. “Dumbledore didn’t say that specifically, one way or the other. But it seems like it might have happened that way. It makes sense.” Neville finally reacted. He bent down towards the floor, his face in his hands, and started sobbing. The other four glanced at each other, then looked down. They knew he had more than enough reason. Ginny, who was sitting next to Neville, moved over closer to Deadpool Hug Unicorn I Wish I Could Turn Back The Clock I Would Find You Sooner And Love You Longer Shirt him. She put her arm around his shoulders and held his arm with her other hand. She kept doing so for another minute or two until Neville had cried himself out. He took some tissues and blew his nose. “Sorry,” he murmured. “Are you kidding?” asked Ron. “I felt that way myself, and it wasn’t even my family. It would be strange if you didn’t react like that.”
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“Believe me, no one thinks any less of you,” Harry assured him. • 143 • Neville nodded and slowly regained his composure. “I’m going to have to Deadpool Hug Unicorn I Wish I Could Turn Back The Clock I Would Find You Sooner And Love You Longer Shirt ask my gran some questions about this. Where was I, did it happen that way, maybe she doesn’t know, or just hasn’t told me.” He looked at
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