said Snape. “He might wish us to Dinosaur Sometimes I Wet My Plants Shirt worry about his intentions even if his message was not delivered by Professor • 209 • Potter. I believe we can conclude nothing from this information, one way or the other.” “Again, I agree,” said McGonagall. but we should take no action, act as if Professor Potter never relayed this to us.” “Very well, that is what we shall do, then,” agreed Dumbledore. “I believe, then, that we are finished here for now.
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” Harry thought of a question. “Professor,” he asked, looking at McGonagall, “you mentioned ‘security at the site.’ Which site did you mean?” “I meant, the site where Voldemort would have to go if he were to try to summon the Legion of the Dead. The legend says that the only place from which the Legion can be summoned is the Veil of Mystery.” Harry went to the Great Hall to have breakfast, his mind reeling with all he had heard. There seemed to Dinosaur Sometimes I Wet My Plants Shirt be five different ways of looking at it from each side. He was beginning to appreciate the value of the Occlumency lessons even more; He knew he would not forget to practice Occlumency before bed again for a long time. were apprehended in the Department of Mysteries. Were they going to prepare for that.
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Harry wondered. Would they put extra security around the prisoners, or not do so as part of pretending they’d never heard about Harry’s vision? Maybe Snape had been right, his uncertain side suggested. Maybe he didn’t have enough experience to take part it those meetings. He had certainly felt in over his head. But then he remembered that Dumbledore didn’t need him to make decisions, or even to Dinosaur Sometimes I Wet My Plants Shirt offer input, but simply to be informed of what was going on. If that was all he need do, Harry realized, he could probably do it. • 210 • Harry spent the rest of the morning wandering around outdoors
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