This the Lorax’s final form. All of the trees are gone. Repent for your sins. Judgment is upon us. “Not here, not there, I can’t find the Jews anywhere! The Fuhrer, he says, if it fits, the Jews. They’re all in Dr. Seuss I Will Drink Michelob Ultra Here Or There I Will Drink Michelob Ultra Beer Everywhere Shirt!” I swear to fucking god in a hundred years people will be examining rage comics as if they’re ancient holy scriptures. Lol, those future losers will be too worried about massive famine and water level increases to be examining anything. If we are being realistic, the average person won’t even know they existed. But there will be a subreddit or equivalent community of Reddit user-like people.
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Who study the old ones and make new shittier ones. He did apologize for that later in life. Dr. Suess seems to have been a pretty flawed man, but great in his own right. This kind of knowledge is important. If you were Dr. Seuss I Will Drink Michelob Ultra Here Or There I Will Drink Michelob Ultra Beer Everywhere Shirt in your body would denature. And you would no longer be able to digest food among other critical issues. I believe in this case the appeaser is supposed to be Nevil Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of the UK at the time. He was the PM prior to Winston Churchill and he (and France) were ok with Germany expanding into the Sudetenland or then about half of Czechoslovakia.
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This policy of “appeasement” only further emboldened Hitler and the Nazis, and is pointed to what lead to WWII. I’m interested in what else there is here another. Then what seems to be the Dr. Seuss I Will Drink Michelob Ultra Here Or There I Will Drink Michelob Ultra Beer Everywhere Shirt. I guess looking into what the prevailing mood toward appeasement at the time was. And the fact it was a debate on something that seems obvious in hindsight. This cartoon was one of the interpretation questions on my high school history exam. Ahh, memories. We study this as a source for why war broke out in 1939. Glad to see Britain isn’t the only one looking at our main man Seuss bash appeasement.
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