. “Yes, and I’m sorry, Neville, but I don’t know, even knowing the whole prophecy. It could be that it was set in stone, but it could be otherwise. I’m not sure that even Dumbledore knows.” “I understand,” said Neville. “Well, I think I’ll go now. I’m probably not going to get much sleep tonight anyway. Got a few things to Funny Fozzy Czbourne Shirt think about.” He stood, then all the rest did too. “Neville… now I’m wondering whether I should have told you this or not. Would it have been better if I hadn’t?” “Of course, Harry, you should’ve. I’m glad you did. I want to know as much about this as I can. It’s my life, after all.” “I’m glad you feel that way,” Harry said. “I felt like you deserved to know.” Neville walked over to the fireplace.
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“Thanks again for having me,” he said to Hermione and the others. “Thanks for coming,” said Hermione. She walked up to Funny Fozzy Czbourne Shirt him and patted his arm, after which Ginny did as well. He smiled, both heartened and embarrassed by • 144 • the gestures of sympathy. He said goodbye, shouted his home’s name, and disappeared into the fire. The four of them stayed up for a while, eating more cookies and talking about Neville, the prophecy, and the events at the Department of Mysteries. It was a relief for Harry to talk about it, even if it was not about Sirius specifically; The next morning at breakfast Harry told the others about his Occlumency lesson scheduled for later that day. Harry told them that the lesson was supposed to take place in the Burrow, which surprised Ron, as he hadn’t known. At noon, it was decided that they would all go back to the Burrow, including Hermione, who was hoping she could put in a good word for the twins with Mrs. Weasley
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. Harry and the Weasleys said goodbye to Hermione’s parents, and they took the fireplace to Funny Fozzy Czbourne Shirt the Burrow. The Weasleys’ living room was empty, which to Harry was unusual; his experience was that the house was a hub of activity. They didn’t see Mrs. Weasley. Harry walked over to the clock that gave the location of every Weasley; hers was on ‘shopping.’ “Looks like we’re the only ones here, then,” said Ron. They all sat down in the living room. “So, tell us about what Dumbledore said when he told you about the Occlumency lessons,” said Ron. Harry related it as best he could remember, up to • 145 • where the conversation turned to Harry’s teaching position. Ron took mild umbrage at Harry’s description of him as unusually
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