This pandemic showed Good I Hide My Tears When I Say Your Name But The Pain In My Heart Shirt me that life isn’t some magical journey, it’s just a journey of pain you have to tough out till you die, so expect to suffer and take it like a man. I expect everything to be awful, so when is not as awful as I expected, I’m grateful. Sorry to hear about it. I had a catastrophic year back in 2012. The old when it rains it pours. Any chance it was your Saturn return? At the risk of getting bombed with downvotes for bringing up astrology, everyone goes through their first Saturn return in their late 20s.
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Your description of Good I Hide My Tears When I Say Your Name But The Pain In My Heart Shirts. your journey through it just fits a Saturn return experience. Especially the outcome. That is its purpose to give you some weight heft for added stability, resilience. Don’t know much about astrology, but I’d certainly call it a night of the soul. Or just be lucky. I’m an introverted hermit who is lucky enough to not lose my livelihood and have no friends or family negativity impacted by the pandemic. So far so good. I don’t consider myself an Olympian & I wouldn’t say “things are fine” but I’m not concerned. It’ll get resolved eventually. Everyone just needs to chill out until it’s over.
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