I spent a few days in Chicago once upon a time. I needed to Hot World’s Dopest Daddy Cannabis Shirt go pick up a friend over in Indiana before heading south on a road trip. Ended up in a little place named Gary in the middle of some protest at what I can only assume were refineries in the industrial district. I couldn’t really do this article much Justice in a TLDR but it’s super worth the read I’d yr interested. It’s pretty insane. It the broadest sense it went from one of the most progressive cities in America to what now is considered the worst city in America. The in-between is pretty insane, however. Also, it’s the city Michael Jackson was born and raised in. If you Google anything about his childhood. Imagine the whole city pretty much being like that.
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My dad and uncle tell me a story about heading to a Slayer concert down in Indianapolis from where we live on the West side of Michigan. He said to him (a semi-large native American man). My uncle ended up in Gary and needed to call their friends who they were going to the concert with and whose house they were staying at. So they stop at a Hot World’s Dopest Daddy Cannabis Shirt gas station and grab a couple of snacks. My dad said the clerk gave him the weirdest look for just being in there. Then he walks out to the payphone and puts his money in and it starts to ring and he looks around and there’s a group of like 20+ dudes walking across the street towards him like “aye Lil white boi, you lost?” “We can give you some directions!”
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He said he tried to hang up the phone but just dropped it and started to run back to the car. Got to his friend’s house and they were beyond terrified cause they could hear all the dudes yelling “get back here. Just fucking grinds my gears. Driving a rig like that is stressful enough without some yahoos trying to call a bluff and purposely getting in Hot World’s Dopest Daddy Cannabis Shirt the way. Feel sorry for the driver. What a bunch of fucking idiots these protesters. They didn’t we are discussing it. They are at the Slaughterhouse to bring awareness that this is happening to make people make the Connection. Maybe not yourself but other people are completely disconnected as to where their food comes from.
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