If you look at the Hot You Don’t Scare Me I Have 3 Daughters Shirt economic data between countries with ultra lockdowns versus the US, we fared better. I mean it sorta seems like it picked your poison. Either could’ve been much worse. There’s only so much you can do to minimize the struggle during a global pandemic. Maybe it has coulda been better but it definitely coulda been a lot worse. They gave out trillions of dollars without oversight (by literally firing the guy in charge of oversight). They discouraged masks against all medical research and recommendations. It’s hard to imagine a much worse response.
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The Hot You Don’t Scare Me I Have 3 Daughters Shirts US has less than 5% of the world’s population and ~20% of the COVID cases. That’s not good by any measure. As a non-American, why is this not on local governments just as much? I am not against shutting down. I actually agree they should’ve shut down more, especially in states with higher death tolls. But shutting the whole country down would be like shutting whole Europe down. Which wasn’t the case actually. Every country shut down own their own and got back on its own. This deserves more votes. Take my 99-percenter gold. Lol, that’s the best. Aaaaand that’s enough Reddit for me.
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