There’s a tangible difference between 2016 Trump and 2020 Trump. He looks so.. defeated. He’s gotten tired of the shtick and desperately yearns to I just Want To Drink Beer And Watch My Houston Texans Shirt retire, a. And I don’t think it’s just a mental decline, it’s much more. It’s genuine displeasure of doing this hateful, bombastic, Us vs. Them shit in an official capacity day in and day out for what is now 1,326 days straight. Itoughest bastards.
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is a misnomer. They were brought here by the Government, forgiven their crimes, and put to work so I just Want To Drink Beer And Watch My Houston Texans Shirt we could win the Space Race. Von Brown designed the V2 rockets that terrorized London among other places, Imagine going into the office for work and your biggest task for the day is holding a meeting where you gather all your coworkers in the boardroom and silently stand at the front of the room… picking up a glass of water… drinking it… and then dropping the mic. Then your boss comes up to you afterward and offers you a raise and a shining review. That’s basically what we watched. Especially in somewhere like Tulsa where one would expect a huge fanbase to turn out. Hopefully this is representative of a shift in opinion in those primarily red states. We can’t do another 4 years with him sweet jesus let’s hope that this country makes the right choice come November. Fuck.
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I don’t know what to call it. It’s not a political rally. He didn’t talk about issues, policies, or objectives. It was just him trying to I just Want To Drink Beer And Watch My Houston Texans Shirt explain the weird behaviors he gets called out on. I’d be pissed if I went to a Biden rally expecting to hear his ideas for improving the country and all I got was an hour and a half of defensive ranting about how unfairly treated he is. There was nothing entertaining about it either. I don’t know what show his supporters were watching but it wasn’t the same one I was watching.
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