Why even let them know you care? You’re just going to I Turn Beer Into Pee What’s Your Superpower Shirt look like a jerk and give them a reason to say “this is why we didn’t want to invite him/her in the first place.” Just be upset about it privately, maybe tell the story to some of your other friends or family to vent if you want, give away or drink the beers, and move on. This is seriously the best option. When they go low you go high. You will earn the respect of everyone around you. A lot of evangelicals are trying to stop the bleeding by homeschooling. But unless they’re willing to go full Amish and completely forgo owning smartphones, computers, and also forbidding their kids to watch or listen to the products of secular culture, conservative evangelical Christianity in America is a lost cause in a couple of more generations. They’ll just be a minor cult.
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If you care at all about appearance I wouldn’t Snapchat myself pouring it down the toilet. I think your best course of action would be to leave it behind you and try to forget her. That doesn’t mean you should be afraid up telling your part of the story if it ever becomes relevant. That being said, it’s definitely an AH move for her to reach out to I Turn Beer Into Pee What’s Your Superpower Shirt you after a long period of time,
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You didn’t yell at her, call her names or do anything rude, just took your beer and left. I actually don’t think you could have handled this better than you did. If there was a stronger judgment than NTA, I’d give it to I Turn Beer Into Pee What’s Your Superpower Shirt you! Her goal in being selective was to manipulate OP by disguising her true intention, which was to get him to buy beer without having him at the party. . Maybe this stuff would fly in court in contract law, but in a social situation, this is exactly the same thing as uninviting him after he got the beer.
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