Not the person married, but the BIL of I Walk Slowly But I Never Walk Backward Shirt the groom/brother of the bride. Lasted less than a year married (several dating). He treated my sister like sun-baked horseshit, and while honestly, she is a pile of sun-baked horseshit, you shouldn’t treat your damn wife like it. Nearly got the cops called on him several times while they were together, and they ended up breaking it off because my sister finally got fed up with his shit. For those interested in how they’re doing: Last I heard the dumbfuck she called a husband got a job but nothing else.
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And my sister went through another I Walk Slowly But I Never Walk Backward Shirt marriage that lasted less than a year because they got married almost as soon as they started dating, which ended well (full sarcasm; she cheated on him “at least twelve times” according to her estimation). She also apparently has goo-goo eyes for someone who went to jail for aggravated assault and is going back to jail.. also for aggravated assault. She’s well aware that her attraction to shit men exists (she admits it herself that she wants an abusive relationship despite it being, you know. abusive. and horrible), and nothing I’ve said helps.
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Bought many times and still not disappointed in quality.
The second purchase at t