I had the same feeling. The poor dog was choking! The bottom line, her arse thinks that she is exempt from the Im A Simple Woman American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt law. Cheers for her x employer. They did the right thing. I truly don’t understand why she didn’t just say “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was breaking the rules,” leash her dog, and walked away with her job, dog, and life intact. Even if she knew she was breaking the park rules (which the story implies she does).
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She could literally have said “Fuck you, eat shit!”, mooned him, and walked away and gotten away with fewer consequences than what she decided to Im A Simple Woman American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt do. I always wonder what these people think about after such things happen to them. You are a piece of shit revealed to the whole world and you lost your job. Your name is forever cemented in search engines as a racist piece of shit. I have no sympathy for her but I do always wonder if they ever think.
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It definitely cranks up the geek, nerd, dweeb factor. Combined with binoculars, I wouldn’t be scared of this guy if his skin was green. That’s what’s funny, is she wasn’t. She weaponized institutional racism, but would rather pretend to be afraid of the black guy because she knows how much worse the other admission is. She faked tears on the Im A Simple Woman American Flag Veteran Independence Day Shirt phone at the drop of a hat so cops would respond as if he was violent; anyone taking any apology from someone that does that is being willfully naive.
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