I used to dive in ponds at golf courses to I’m Not Old I’m A Classic Custom Built High Performance Legendary Power 1955 Shirt collect the lost balls and clean/sort them to sell back to the courses. It’s unbelievable just how many snakes, alligators, and leeches live in those things. I made less than minimum wage (around 6ish at the time) and had countless close calls with critters. However, the most dangerous creatures on golf courses are old people. We quarantined off the area with bright tape and cones with signs and the golfers were either informed to steer clear of the area or the course shut down for a couple of hours. It depends on the course though. Some people believe those rules are a suggestion and ignore all of it, especially in places without barriers or fences around the course.
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I once followed a young homeless man I just met because he wanted to show me where he was staying. It was nighttime and he invited me down into a dip in the trees. We walked through a I’m Not Old I’m A Classic Custom Built High Performance Legendary Power 1955 Shirt dark section of the forest then he showed me some rocks and small caves with a couple of beds set up. Then we left. I literally followed a stranger into the dark woods because…curiosity? Suicidality. I’ve seen this show up in a lot of different, subtle ways. For instance, people who wish they would “not wake up in the morning,” kids who say that their family would be better off if they were never born, people who ride their bikes recklessly because they don’t really care anymore. If you’re experiencing this, please go to a therapist. There’s no need to wait for things to get “bad enough” to seek help. You won’t be hospitalized for passive suicidality.
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Got in a fight with my ride, got left drunk and pissed of 10 miles from home. Ran into this homeless guy as pissed and pissed off I was walking the same way. I walked all the way home with him. Didn’t make it until morning. We stopped on the way had gas station hot dogs, some malt liquor and once we were finished talking about reasons we were angry, we ended up talking about life, family, etc. Finally got home, let him crash on the couch offered him some clean clothes and shower. Ex meth head, didn’t seem to be tweaking that day. I was off work, so we hung out, played Nintendo, and chatted the who second day. The day after that I left for work, came home, dogs were put up as I asked and s simple note on I’m Not Old I’m A Classic Custom Built High Performance Legendary Power 1955 Shirt the coffee table that just said, thanks again, man. I think I had left him some food I could spare because he was headed up north to possible work. Definitely not a high part of my life, but a super weird story for a college-educated dude to have. Where ever you are broski, I hope you are doing better.
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