continued, saying Umbridge’s name with obvious distaste, “can certainly be held accountable, as she provoked the confrontation which caused the distraction, with disregard for the fact that testing was taking place nearby. So, I would say that Miss Granger has a fairly good case.” “It wasn’t only us who were distracted,” Harry pointed out. ‘Really! Not even a warning! Outrageous behavior!…” “Yes, that is also a very good point, one that Miss Granger did not fail to mention in her owl to Im Tired Of Being Peaceful Black Lives Matter Shirt me on the subject,” McGonagall agreed.
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“However, in the end, this will not be for me, or anyone at Hogwarts, to decide. The O.W.L. board will make the final decision. “Now, let us move on. I would like to Im Tired Of Being Peaceful Black Lives Matter Shirt discuss your schedule for this year. I assume that Professor Dumbledore has informed you that you may take fewer classes so that you will have time to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?” Harry nodded. “So, I guess I have to decide which classes I’m going to take.” He paused. “Professor, what am I going to do about Potions? Isn’t it kind of unfair to make it that hard to get in?. “My opinion of Professor Snape’s • 45 • standards is really not relevant. He is a professor and can set the standards he chooses.” “Yes, but couldn’t you talk to him? Ask him to…” Harry trailed off, knowing that what he was about to suggest was useless; Snape hated Harry so much that Snape was bound to laugh in McGonagall’s face if she asked such a thing, and McGonagall’s expression confirmed it for Harry.
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“I’m sorry, Professor, but this is very important to me; I’d really like to become an Auror. You did say to Umbridge–” “I was wondering whether you would bring that up,” McGonagall said resignedly. “Yes, I did say to then-Headmistress Umbridge that I would stop at nothing to see that you got the chance to Im Tired Of Being Peaceful Black Lives Matter Shirt become an Auror. I admit, and you probably already know, that I said it in anger, not necessarily expecting that I would have to follow through on it. Still,” she said as Harry held his breath, “one must keep one’s word, and I intend to do so here. I will ask Professor Snape to accept you into his class, and if he refuses, I will teach you Potions myself.” Harry was amazed that she would go that far.
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