continued as if he had not heard, though Harry was sure he had. “The incantation is ‘Diffusia,’ and we will practice it now. I want everyone in a group of four. Each group will take turns having one member be the recipient of the spell, which I shall cast. Blue, of course. The other three will try to Ireland Flag Love Makes The World Go Around But Irish Make It Worth The Trip Shirt Diffuse it .” Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville practiced for a while, doing fairly well. Dumbledore explained that whichever of the group was the darkest blue
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was the best with the spell, since the others couldn’t protect him as well as he could them. It was agreed that Harry was the bluest, with Hermione a Ireland Flag Love Makes The World Go Around But Irish Make It Worth The Trip Shirtclose second. • 323 • After they were done, Harry asked, “Can we try that against a more real spell, like we’d see in combat? How about the Stunning Spell?” “That spell can be rather uncomfortable, Harry,” said Dumbledore. “If the Diffusion does not work properly, the recipient could be knocked unconscious.” “Well, I’ll be the recipient, then,” Harry volunteered. This was followed quickly by a storm of protest. Neville said, “No way,” Hermione said “Are you joking?”, and Ron said, “Absolutely not!”, all at the same time. Dumbledore smiled. “I think your friends are saying, Harry, that now is not the time for you to be a test subject of any sort.” “I’ll be the recipient,” Ron said. “Hermione’s always telling me I’ve got a thick head. Besides, with you three behind me, I probably won’t feel a thing.” “Very well, Ron, although I will not want to be the one to tell your mother about this,” Dumbledore said. Harry and Hermione laughed.
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“Well, I sure don’t plan to,” said Ron. Turning to the others, he said, “I’m ready when you are.” “There’s nothing you have to do to get ready, Ron, other than get stunned,” pointed out Hermione. Harry, Hermione, and Neville nodded to each other to confirm their readiness. “I would like there to Ireland Flag Love Makes The World Go Around But Irish Make It Worth The Trip Shirt be two people each near Harry, Hermione, and Neville,” said Dumbledore, “to keep them from being thrown off balance.” Each was backed up by two classmates. “I will count down from five, vocalizing the spell when I reach zero. As I start to vocalize, cast the spell. Five, four, three, two, one, Stupefy!” “Diffusia!” they yelled. The red ball seemed to hit something a few inches in front of Ron’s chest, and it split into four. The smallest part hit Ron, and he was knocked back a step, but quickly recovered. The other three
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