He loves using lawsuits. Maybe it is time to Jack Russell Terrier Happy Independence Day 4th Of July American Flag Shirt turn them back on him.. Cause anxiety, pain, death, and destruction all to get off on it. Couple that with the modern GOP death cult and you have a recipe for absolute disaster. This seems like the ultimate impeachable offense. He’s literally going to kill people over personal grudges and his fragile ego. Social dominance scores correlate very strongly with these answers to the Power Mad scale. They love power, including the power to hurt in their drive to the top.
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coronavirus. a Jack Russell Terrier Happy Independence Day 4th Of July American Flag Shirt brilliant political move. They turned out to be wrong. I’m not responsible.” I read the research[1] of a researcher who studied the Republican voters who virtually decide which Republican politicians get elected and the kind of Republican politicians they support. He predicted at least two decades ago[2] that due to how massive and how organized these people are, America would elect someone like Trump, and continue to support him even though he would be extremely corrupt, dishonest and immoral, and which political party to support in the next election, they are apt to find themselves in pleasant, virtual non-stop agreement. Why the fuck does it matter if they’re evil.
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Empathy. Social dominance scores correlate strongly with the responses to Jack Russell Terrier Happy Independence Day 4th Of July American Flag Shirt these statements. RWA answers again do not correlate at all. It’s as if someone took the Scout Law (“A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly. He wishes it was a gangster. It is not possible to support healthcare providers and support Trump. The two are mutually exclusive. I don’t want to hear a single person saying how much they support us if they are going to vote to keep this piece of shit in the ce while he is killing us.
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