I mean, it kind of depends? Sometimes this is gay banter, and LGBTQ Pride Bisexuals For Space Socialism Shirtschtick, an effect. Throwing shade. This kind of goofing on each other in very particular ways, almost like a code, or it’s performative. I imagine it’s something like a group of comedians that cut each other up a bit? The frame of “friendship” or the group allows for it. Like, some drag queens have this down to an art form. But yeah, I say all that, but also not really into it for the most part. The line between funny and mean is thin. Or, it’s just nasty if you goof on someone’s body or clothes, for example, over and over. Also, it can just get boring or exhausting to hear. And it’s socially clueless to lay it on at the weekend cottage around someone new, whether they are straight or gay.
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Edit: gay LGBTQ Pride Bisexuals For Space Socialism Shirt white guy here, but am friends with a group of straight Bangladeshi guys, and as kind of an outsider, some of them are the biggest gossip queens/”mean girls” I know (especially about other Bangladeshis). They are always dishing about others they know or others in the friend’s circle (or about wives/gf). Especially about others who aren’t there. I don’t want to make stereotypes, but in-group dynamics + culture can be interesting. Around them, I’m often laughing at the “jokes” (because I’m the audience, usually) and then I think….ya’ll are getting cruel and ruthless. Mean. Like marriages or the fam, friend groups can get a little casually sadistic in some cases?
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