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By saying yes now, I’ll skip all that, and get straight into worrying about the actual teaching.” Harry looked up at Dumbledore. “Okay, yes, I’ll do it.” “Excellent, Harry.” Dumbledore looked pleased, but in a way that made Harry suspect that Dumbledore had never had a moment’s doubt about Harry’s eventual response. “I deeply appreciate your willingness to Lips I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed LGBT Shirt do this. I know our students will benefit greatly.” “Well, here’s one way to look at it,” Harry said, half to himself, “I can hardly be any worse than Lockhart or Umbridge. That’s some consolation… Hermione will go crazy, she’ll be so pleased, she got me that book, after all…” Something clicked in Harry’s mind, and his eyes narrowed. “Professor, you said that you got more than one letter suggesting that I be made Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
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One of those wouldn’t be from Hermione, would it?” In a very amused tone, Dumbledore said, “I’m sorry, but I am not at liberty to divulge the contents or sources of much of my private communications.” • 40 • “I knew it,” Harry exclaimed. He felt exasperated and proud at the same time. “I should emphasize,. If you would like someone to blame, you need to look no further.” Somewhat abashed, Harry said, “No, I don’t really want to Lips I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed LGBT Shirtblame, anyone, I just kind of wished she’d have run it by me first. Of course, I’d have told her that she was off her nut.” “I should think so. You were looking at me in much the same way a short time ago,” Dumbledore
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