This is such a good analogy. He’s finding all the broken stuff in our government just by being stupid, malicious, or venal at every opportunity. We never needed special laws to Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Native Blood Moon Shirt mandate that a Presidential candidate shall release tax returns, or that the President should divest all of his holdings and put them in a blind trust, but now it’s pretty clear that these things are necessary Or you could argue that he started failing on November 8th, 2016, when he lost the nationwide popular vote by millions of votes but pulled out a win in the electoral college by appealing to rural voters, but he is in the Oval Office now so I guess that’s not really “failing” Thanks for the wishes. I am beginning to feel better. It’s day 10 (or 11? I can’t remember) and the symptoms are starting to lessen dramatically. My cough is productive and my breathing is getting back to normal.
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Well, considering that he didn’t want to win, he wanted to launch the Trump News Network with all the extra publicity that a run for President would have garnered him – so being elected was a failure – his team didn’t even prepare a speech for him, This is not unlikely, He always boasted he punches back 10 times harder. , Only this time instead of bankrupting a Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Native Blood Moon Shirt casino, it’s a whole country. This is going to happen. They will lift the restrictions, and hundreds of thousands of people are going to die. The economy will still be in a massive recession, with 15%+ unemployment for months, maybe well over a year. I’m with you. I don’t think people understand this. Reopen it today…great. I’m not going to a restaurant or the movies, or browsing a store for god knows how long.
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The new cases per day number have now come down to > 30,000 new cases a Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Native Blood Moon Shirt day, and he’s ready to claim victory. We’re still just as vulnerable to COVID as we’re then, but objectively much worse off. . They tell their Board of Directors, the Board tells their Vice Presidents and the VPs tell their editors what they want out there and editors shut down stories that don’t fit with the narrative. It’s a small ecosystem.
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