Well in America you only need to pass the test once, when you are 16. . We had one the other day who had dementia and basically no vision who managed to make it out of her driveway before she crashed into the car in her neighbor’s driveway across the street. She had a completely valid driver’s license. It’s sad because we really need to do a better job of caring for our elderly. But at the same time, we really should have some sort of retesting policies in place here. One of the odd takeaways I’ve learned from being a nurse is to be a defensive driver- you never know who is coming towards you at 60 mph with a Nice Crap Bag Shirt 6-foot margin of error to the left.
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It’s kinda like that guy in Buffalo. The police in their report said he “tripped and fell” and yet when you see the footage the cops push him forcefully away, especially for an old man and you see him whack the back of his head against the pavement. They left him there. Exactly. You have a cop that fucked up, realized he did something bad, and attempts to Nice Crap Bag Shirt bend down to help, but a bad cop pulls him away from being compassionate to instigate more threat. Great fucking inspiration and hope you’re sending the public there. Serve and protect? More like swerve and project. Just so it’s clear, “traumatic asphyxiation” refers to when your airway is damaged so air can’t get in. So that means someone crushing your windpipe or stuff something in it. It takes longer to show non-traumatic asphyxiation, which would be what happens when you put enough pressure on someone’s chest cavity or restrict their throat just enough that they can’t breathe enough to keep their brain oxygenated.
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And the guy then goes on to Nice Crap Bag Shirt say that people with guns just standing there are different from protesters throwing things. The entire time saying I was not the guy they were looking for. Kept saying my name was Jake. After about 5 mins of pleading the officer pulled my walled from my pocket, realized I was not the person he was looking for, uncuffed me and walked away, no words.
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