The number of drive people has to Nice Keine Zeit Ich Muss Auf Die Baustelle Shirt help others is influenced by their relationship with them, even for the same event, e.g., if a stranger is trapped in a burning building, most people will call 911 but if it’s your sibling or child there’s a good chance you’ll try to run in to save them. In Portland, once the adrenaline starts flowing, orange shirts will begin to view any attack on a yellow shirt as though it’s being done to their wife and they could start rushing as a mob. At that point, shit could get really primal and I wouldn’t want to be a cop when that happens.
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Hate (often caused by fear), selfishness, and fear lead to Nice Keine Zeit Ich Muss Auf Die Baustelle Shirt’s oppression. Oppression and fear lead to anger and uprising. Uprising leads to fear and pushback against the uprising. Everyone is afraid. Just some people are scared of the bogeyman, others are justly scared of their own government, and the agents of government put on the line to uphold the status quo are understandably scared because they are outnumbered by a large mass of angry people they don’t know. All of this begets violence.
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