After a few disorienting seconds, they were in Professor Dumbledore’s office, standing across from his desk. Dumbledore was standing near the door to his office, seeing someone off. “Thank you, Sybil. Have a Official No Matter How Far I Roam Brooklyn Will Always Be My Home Shirt pleasant day,” he said. He closed the door. He looked at Harry and Lupin. “I’m very sorry, my meeting with Professor Trelawney seems to have run long.
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Harry could not see from the other side of the desk what was in it, but that immediately became clear. transferred them into the Pensieve that Harry knew was in the drawer. Dumbledore closed the drawer and looked up. “Harry, Remus, good to see you both. Remus, thank you for getting Harry.. I rather admire that Harry manages not to blow up a family member every summer.” Harry made a noise that was between a grunt and a chuckle. “It’s not easy sometimes. But it hasn’t been so bad this summer, thanks to you,” he said, addressing Lupin. To Official No Matter How Far I Roam Brooklyn Will Always Be My Home Shirt Dumbledore’s slightly raised eyebrows, Lupin briefly summarized the meeting he and the others had had with the Dursleys a month ago.
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I’m glad it’s not, Harry thought. Nothing but fear would have made them lay off me this summer. “Well, I’ll leave you two to Official No Matter How Far I Roam Brooklyn Will Always Be My Home Shirt talk, then,” Lupin said. After Dumbledore thanked him again, Lupin headed for the door. But frankly, I would have been more worried about you if you had managed to keep your temper in that situation. As I said, it was just too much, and I know that your regard for me did not enter into it. But we are all human and thank goodness for that. We cannot truly grieve for those who we did not love.” “By that reckoning, Voldemort isn’t that much human, is he?” Harry observed.
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