The one house of Congress passes an Official Nu Skin Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Vintage Shirt bill to fund crisis response in a pandemic, and then the Senate, (controlled by the entity that despises government and has shown so again and again for 40 years), waits 2.5 months, never votes on it, or anything similar, and just sits on its hands. Executive branch cobbles together “orders” for a selfish, disinterested, loudmouth dimwit with a selfish authoritarian-bent, to try to show an engaged executive, for reelection. Pass another aid package in the House with more $ than Trump’s deal ASAP. Meanwhile challenge the EOs. Put the no-frills bill with much better offerings to citizens at McConnell
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So he’s doing shit he doesn’t actually have the power to Official Nu Skin Girl Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Vintage Shirt do, looking to cut peoples’ assistance and force them to risk their lives to prop up his failing economy, does nothing to address the issues facing the country, is giving us a loan that we will have to pay back, and is trying to fuck over Medicare and Social Security – Goddamn what a useless fuck he So states literally cannot make these payments because it would be illegal, which therefore makes them ineligible to receive the $300 from the federal government for extending the UI benefits. Lol, bang-up job Donny boy.
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