I mean there are LITERALLY hundreds if not thousands of examples of this happening during his term as president. Facts don’t matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Hypocrisy doesn’t matter. 5 seconds ago doesn’t matter. If “they” think something, I think the opposite, “they” are evil, “they” are bad, “they” hate America. Replace “they” with the enemy of the week. China, democrats, Pelosi, whoever. Fuck it. Just stick to your tribe and hate who the talking heads on Fox and who Orangeman tweets about. Because it’s easier than thinking and its WAY fucking easier than ever admitting your bias, bigotry, hatred, and idiocy. I legitimately question how anyone thinks this rift will ever heal, even after Trump is out of office if he even peacefully leaves and doesn’t attempt a coup or election fraud. At least Germany had the Allies to Official Skull Nurse Flowers I’ll Stab You shirt come in and censure the idiocy and hate. We’re Germany but without the concentration camps yet. Trump does not have this authority. No US administration does. He can not even block Twitter and even he could it is a straight-up ridiculous idea. If he found some miraculous way how to push it through it would simply just be the easiest lawsuit for Twitter against US administration you could ever think of.
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It’s not so much that he wants to be a dictator, he is a “businessman” who is used to running companies. And CEOs, by nature, are supposed to run a company in a dictatorial fashion. Whatever they say, goes. But a country isn’t a company and should not be run like one. Trump doesn’t know how to Official Skull Nurse Flowers I’ll Stab You shirt run a country and it was stupid for anyone to ever think that he could. It’s funny how their actions don’t match their words. Like talking about preventing voter fraud while publicly talking about how it’s necessary to prevent people from voting so they can win elections. Or like you said in this case, attacking freedom of speech while claiming to be defending it. I guess it fits with them saying they are pro-democracy and patriotic while supporting a wannabe dictator
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It’s not pettiness, a lot of his followers believe that anything not from twitter has been twisted by either the media or other government officials. So twitter has been the single source of truth. This allowed Trump to lie and any external attempts to Official Skull Nurse Flowers I’ll Stab You shirt correct him could either be ignored or used a “proof” the media is lying. Twitter fact-checking him means his followers can’t ignore that what Trump has said has been contested, and if it includes information proving Trump is either lying or just clueless about what he said can only damage him.
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