“My friends have mentioned that too,” agreed Harry. “Usually I don’t go looking for trouble, though, it just finds me. It’s been a very weird life.” “Told you all along you’d have been better off not going to Oops My Bad I Could’ve Sworn I Was Dealing With An Adult Shirt that place,” Vernon said. ” Harry protested. “I don’t mean being famous, I’d rather not have that. But I have good friends, and the Weasleys, the red-haired ones, think of me as part of their family.
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I wouldn’t give that up for anything.” With an air of ending the discussion, Petunia said, “Well, if I have anything to say about it, nothing more like this will happen on Privet Drive, at least.” “No argument from me there,” agreed to Oops My Bad I Could’ve Sworn I Was Dealing With An Adult Shirt Harry. “That was a really good cake, by the way.” Dudley and Vernon quickly agreed.” Vernon said. Dudley followed him into the living room. Harry got up to go to his room. Before he could, he heard Petunia say “ He nodded and went upstairs. Hedwig was indeed still there, so he went over to the window and closed it. Hedwig saw and let out an annoyed hoot. “. He had given the Dursleys far more information about the magical world than they ever would have tolerated before, and Dudley had gone from treating him as a freak and an • 93 • annoyance to a respected equal, just like that.
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Was he really that impressed with what I did this afternoon? Harry asked himself. Dudley had seemed positively intrigued by hearing about Harry’s danger-laden life. because, Harry assumed, of Dudley’s endorsement of Harry’s actions after the confrontation with Malfoy. Petunia, on the other hand… her tolerance had to be due to Oops My Bad I Could’ve Sworn I Was Dealing With An Adult Shirt the fact that their ignorance. Harry now kicked himself for having been willing to use Dudley to rub Malfoy’s nose in today’s events;
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