How does a Perfect David Rose Ew Covid Ugly Christmas Shirt one sneak backstage to their own show? They call him an old mate. I lold for real. I’d managed to sneak into a shakey knees festival in the US where I met some Australian friends and we went to see Tame Impala. So he said he was family. Then became family. Wack. Imagine being that big of a fan of Peking Duk. All the Basic Bros are into them for some reason. Guess that makes me a basic bro then, gutted. Yeah, hectic aye lad? Living your best life. Yeah mate, if you mean being able to enjoy whatever music without worrying about it. What random blokes on the Internet think of me.
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And the Perfect David Rose Ew Covid Ugly Christmas Shirts loads of people started buying us drinks to congratulate us on the set. I got chucked out at this point cause someone thought I was under 21 I wasn’t. But I met my friends in New Orleans a few days later but apparently, the real band came in a few minutes after I left and thought it was funny that my mates had snuck in so they chat drank and chatted all night. Such a smart move. I understand you’re the machine? I swear I saw this already. Damn definitely swell. TIL there’s an Australian band named Peking Duk!
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