Meanwhile, my mom told me Pretend Im A Cat Halloween Shirt not to be in the same room alone with my gay uncle. Those kinds of attitudes were widespread and heavily promoted all while I was growing up, and they still are if you look at how conservatives have resisted legal advances. In 2004, Bush demonized gay marriage to run against Kerry. Look up ‘intersectionality’. Other LGBT members have more to worry about due to ‘cumulative’ sources of oppression. About 6 months ago I (32 years old) told an older guy (61) in my office who still cannot solve basic issues with his computer that at this point it is ‘determined ignorance’ that has stopped him from being more computer savvy. He used to be a guy in the field on construction sites but he has been using a
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He told me it’s too complicated. I told him he used to Pretend Im A Cat Halloween Shirt build hospitals. Don’t give me that shit. He went to HR. I told them he wastes hours or coworkers time every month because he cannot be bothered to troubleshoot or solve issues on his own…these aren’t even real issues most of the time mind you. And several of them are things he has been told several times before. Your oppression isn’t being taken away because someone had it worse. In 2008 “gay” was the most popular insult on kids’ school grounds, and gay people heard it every single day, all day long. I remember in 2008 when Obama won the ele
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