know you’re trying to be nice,” Harry said. “Remember, Fred and George wouldn’t fall for that, Harry, but you do,” said Ron smugly. Hermione made the same face at Ron that he’d made at her earlier. “That’s because Harry’s nicer than they are.” Two more girls came by, Hufflepuffs this time. They waved, but didn’t say anything. After they walked off, Hermione said, “I’m beginning to wonder if this could start to Skull Fueled By Coffee Heavy Metal And Cuss Words Shirt be a problem for you, Harry. Remember that little fan club that always followed
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Viktor around and wouldn’t give him a moment’s peace? That could happen to you.” “And if it does, Harry,” said Ron solemnly, “it will be my obligation, as your friend, to tease you about it mercilessly.” He shrugged. “I’d rather not, but there you are.” “If you do, I’ll start telling them that you did it all, that I just got the credit.” “Did I say I would tease you? I’m sorry, I meant to say ‘help’ and ‘support.’” Hermione chuckled. “You laugh now, but it could be annoying.” “Let’s just say that when I worried about the problems I’d have being a teacher, this was not even close to being one of them,” Harry said. “But it may not happen. This could go away.” • 256 • “Or, it could be worse. I mean, when I fancied Lockhart, I never for a moment thought I could ever have him. I knew it was just a schoolgirl crush. But you’re only five years older than these girls. They might think it was possible, especially in a few years.” “Are you trying to Skull Fueled By Coffee Heavy Metal And Cuss Words Shirt make Harry feel better, or worse, Hermione?” asked Ron. “It’s hard to tell.” “I’m just trying to prepare Harry for what might happen. But you’ll be fine, Harry. If it happens, just pretend you don’t notice, and be kind and polite. They’ll get over it.” “
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I’m still hoping it won’t happen in the first place, but thanks, I’ll try to Skull Fueled By Coffee Heavy Metal And Cuss Words Shirt remember that,” Harry said. “So, I have an idea. Let’s change the subject to one that doesn’t involve making fun of me. Hey, I know… Hermione, you mentioned Krum. What’s going on with that? Have you heard from him lately?” She shook her head, wearing an expression that suggested she was sad or indifferent; Harry wasn’t sure which. “Just a short letter, about four months ago. It didn’t say anything definitive, but it was enough to know that nothing’s going to happen with that. I didn’t really expect anything would, because we were so far apart, and it wasn’t as though I was ga-ga over him anyway. He’s nice, and everything, but… I thought of him as more of a friend, and I couldn’t get to know
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