wanted to have a Sorry For What I Said When I Was Watching Football Vintage Retro Shirt chat with you about your attitude.” She looked amused. “Which would be true, really.” • 392 • “Pansy, can I ask you something?” She nodded. “I’m not trying to be critical, I’d just really like to know. What is it about Malfoy that you like, or liked, before he got like he is now?” She considered his question. “He’s very confident; I think people find that appealing. He acts like he’s
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born to command. And he comes from a wealthy and powerful family, I guess that doesn’t hurt.” “And it didn’t bother you that being nasty to people was a part of that?” She gave him a glance, as if to assure herself that he was sincere in asking, then thought again. “All I can think is that it’s easier to Sorry For What I Said When I Was Watching Football Vintage Retro Shirt ignore it when you’re the one doing it, or your friends. You think it’s justified somehow. But it started bothering me last year, I’m not even sure why. I tried to ignore it, but it wouldn’t go away. This year, I’ve been acting like I usually do, but my heart hasn’t been in it, to say the least. “I think what made me go looking for you,” she said unprompted, as if she wanted to get this off her chest, “was what you’re doing with the Dark Lord. I know you want me to say his name, but I can’t. Not now. I’ve heard about the Curse, I know that it’s horrible beyond words. That you would face it voluntarily… it’s just an act of bravery that I can barely understand. That, combined with Draco’s attitude, just made it crystal clear to me just how… bankrupt I was, what I was doing was. Laughing at his jokes, hanging out with him..
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. it just seemed so stupid. You’re trying to get people not to Sorry For What I Said When I Was Watching Football Vintage Retro Shirt be afraid of the Dark Lord, and he’s obsessed with you being a teacher and wanting to hurt you. I just had enough. You can use all the help you can get.” “That’s for sure,” he agreed. “But you seem to be doing it undercover, and like I said, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. You could still do a lot of good by steering away from Malfoy gently, or trying to talk him down from where he is now.” • 393 • She looked at him as if trying to figure out what made him tick. “I heard
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