sure they were being sarcastic. But I know you mean it, and it’s nice of you to say so.” She paused. “Of course, you don’t think it’s so good when it’s advice about getting your homework done promptly.” “No, I know that’s good advice, too,” Harry assured her. “It’s just good advice I’m not as likely to take.” “One more bit of advice: don’t let Snape push you around. Now, you’re a There Is No Cloud It’S Just Someone Else’S Computer Shirt teacher, he’s a teacher. If he’s rude to you, you can be rude to him–except in Potions,
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of course. But outside that, if he doesn’t treat you with the respect he gives other teachers, call him on it. Dumbledore and McGonagall will support you.” “I hope you’re right,” Harry said. He talked to her for a few more minutes, then hung up and walked upstairs to his room to There Is No Cloud It’S Just Someone Else’S Computer Shirt make sure that everything was in his trunk. He picked up Hedwig’s cage, grabbed the trunk’s handle, and headed downstairs. Dudley was on the sofa watching TV. “Are you going to drag that thing into the fire?” he asked, gesturing at the trunk. “No, they’ve given me a minor exception to the underage magic rule; I’m allowed to use magic to make the trunk light, so I can carry it easily.”
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He tapped the trunk with his wand, then lifted it. It weighed less than a There Is No Cloud It’S Just Someone Else’S Computer Shirt schoolbook. “What did Hermione say to you on the phone?” “She thanked me for helping put Malfoy in his place and said that maybe this year he won’t be strutting around like he owns the place. I said I hope so.” “I hope so too, but I’m not optimistic. I’m not sure he knows any other way to act.” Harry put out his hand. “Have a good term,” he said. Dudley shook it. “You, too. Let’s see if you can keep the number at ten.” Harry laughed. “I’ll do my best.” He tossed Floo powder into the fire, shouted “Hogsmeade Owl Office,” stepped into it, and disappeared.
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