welcoming speech.” She cast particularly stern glances at Malfoy and the other Slytherin offender. “On this occasion, I will impose no punishment, as Professor Potter has already done so, in a fashion.” She glanced at him as much of the crowd laughed for a This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Yarn Shirt second, then quickly stopped, as if fearing her disapproval. “But I must warn you, further expressions of disrespect will not be tolerated, no less with Professor Potter than with any other professor.
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He will be • 221 • both taking classes and teaching them, but he has all the rights and privileges of a This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Yarn Shirt Hogwarts teacher, including the right to take points from offenders’ houses and give detentions. Professor Dumbledore and I have urged him not to be shy about using that power.” That got scattered laughter across the three pro-Harry tables. “As Professor Potter is also a student, he will not have time to supervise detentions; I will be overseeing any detentions he hands out. And I assure you…” She paused, surveying all the house tables, lingering slightly on Slytherin, “…you want to avoid that. I believe there are plenty of unpleasant tasks that Mr. Filch needs done. Professor Dumbledore?” “Thank you, Professor McGonagall,” Dumbledore said, stepping back to the podium. “And now the time has come to fill our stomachs. Bon appetit!” Food suddenly appeared on everyone’s plates and tables. Conversation in the hall rose to an immediate high volume, despite the presence of the food, and Harry was sure he knew what most of them were talking about. I should be used to that by now, he thought. At least he seemed to have the support of a strong majority. It was, he felt, as much as he could have hoped for. After taking a bite of her food, McGonagall leaned over to Harry and said, “You handled that very well, Professor.” After he finished the mouthful of food he was working on, Harry replied, “I would really rather have avoided it, though. I just didn’t feel like I could ignore it.”
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“Most professors could have ignored it, Harry, but that was a luxury you did not have. Most professors already have their respect; no students question the right of any adult to be a This Woman Will Never Own Enough Books And Yarn Shirt professor. You, however, must earn their respect, and you went a long way toward doing so tonight. I am quite sure that it will not be long until no one is questioning whether you should have been made a professor.” “No one except the Slytherins, you mean,” said Harry, frowning. “I cannot imagine that that should matter to you in the slightest.” She had a good point. “Yes, that’s true,”
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