thought he had to try it. “Say, Malfoy, where’s Moe and Curly?” Hermione, Justin, Dean, David, all three Creeveys, Eric, and a few scattered others burst out laughing; the rest, including Malfoy, looked confused. Looking at Malfoy’s confusion only made some laugh harder; Hermione was holding onto a very bewildered Ron to try to steady herself. Harry enjoyed the scene. Even though only a Top Black Thom Co Tep Shirt minority were laughing, Malfoy was still upset not to know what they were laughing about.
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“Anybody who doesn’t get it, ask someone who’s laughing now, they’ll explain it to Top Black Thom Co Tep Shirt you later,” said Harry helpfully to the others. “Now, did you want something, Malfoy?” Warming to his topic, Malfoy regained his smugness. “So, you said his name one too many times, and look what happens. Is it Voldemort to whom you’re referring? If it’s Voldemort you’re talking about, Malfoy, then why don’t you just say…” Harry intended to stretch out the pause for dramatic effect, but his plan was changed when before he could say the name, ten Gryffindor and ten Slytherin first years shouted, as one, “Voldemort!” Malfoy practically jumped out of his skin, causing laughter all around. Harry looked at the students and said, “I’ve never been so proud.” Some smiled, some laughed, and some blushed. • 298 • “Are you stupid, Potter? You woke up screaming a few hours ago! Have you forgotten that already?” Harry stood and stared directly at Malfoy. “No, Malfoy, I remember it quite vividly. And it will motivate me to keep saying the name ‘Voldemort’ for as long as I breathe.
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I don’t give up. I know you can’t understand this. If it had happened to you, you’d be crawling around, trying to Top Black Thom Co Tep Shirt find out whose boots you could lick to make it stop, to get on their good side. You can’t understand any other way to be. That’s how you were raised, and for that, I feel sorry for you. But you’re wasting my time, so get back over there and enjoy spending time with the people who’ll agree with anything you say. It’s only there that you can be comfortable.” Harry pointedly sat down and took another bite of his food as a way of dismissing Malfoy. Malfoy cast another disgusted look, shook his head, then turned and left. A round of applause went up, which included, Harry noted, some Slytherins. “See, Malfoy and his crowd, they don’t stand up for each other,” said Ron. “Where were Crabbe and Goyle, when they could have been standing next to Malfoy looking, you know, big and stupid? Could’ve really helped him.” “Well, then I couldn’t have made the Three Stooges joke,” Harry observed. Hermione burst out laughing again. “Oh, Harry, that was so hysterical! It was the best joke I’ve
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