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One of the recurring themes in his work, therefore, is the universal truth that life goes on and that the functional individual improves and/or adapts to Top Dolly Parton Tease It To Jesus And Spray It Like Hell Shirts new conditions and situations as necessary. Such is the theme of his “Eternal Sun” series, the statement of which is that life is elegant and enduring. Other works relate to both personal and social situations in Garcia’s life and, inasmuch as they are situations we all face, his art reaches everyone. Get out of your phone. Put it away for a while. Have a day where you don’t use your phone or computer. It’s time for you to get in touch with yourself without all the digital interface. It’s time for you to dream of vampire kisses and a honeymoon in Vegas. Don’t be afraid to use Nicolas Cage as a spirit guide. I’m not even sure what that means! Maybe tonight when you lay your head down to rest.
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