“I am glad you chose him, I really am,” Harry assured her. “It meant more to him, especially his family than it would have to Top Ed Orgeron Tiger King Shirt me, but it’s very nice to know you would have chosen me if I didn’t have this… Professor, what exactly did you mean by my ‘unique status?’ Did you mean being famous, or the treatment I was getting in the Daily Prophet or this connection I have to Voldemort?” “The third,” McGonagall answered. “Professor Dumbledore foresaw that your connection to Voldemort could complicate your life, and he felt you did not need another complication, honor though it maybe.” “He was right,” Harry said.
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“This past year was hard enough; being a prefect would have made things harder. “No, I was just getting to that. This year, as Angelina Johnson has graduated, the Gryffindor Quidditch team needs a new captain. You are currently the senior team member, the one with the most experience. Not incidentally, you are an outstanding player; Oliver Wood tells me that he is sure that you could play professionally in the future if that were your goal. For those reasons, you would be a logical choice for team captain. However–” “I’m going to be a teacher this year, and I’ll be lucky to Top Ed Orgeron Tiger King Shirt find the time just for Quidditch practice, never mind being captain, She gazed at him sternly. “Yes, that’s right, but I will thank you not to interrupt me. I do not take kindly to it.” Harry looked repentant. “Sorry. The thing is, I’m not sure I’d make a great team captain anyway. You see, they have to know about strategy and tactics, and make game plans for the whole team. Wood was always doing that. But I’m a Seeker, and Seekers don’t have to coordinate with the other team members that much. I think Ron would make a much better captain.” “Yes, I had a feeling you were going to suggest Mr. Weasley,” said McGonagall.“Very well, I will take your advice into consideration.
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I just did not want to deprive you of such a well-deserved opportunity without your consent.” “Thank you, Professor, I appreciate it.” “Well, it appears then that we are done here. Unless there is anything else you would like to discuss?” “No, thanks, Professor,” Harry said after thinking a moment. “I guess I’ll go home and start trying to figure out how to be a teacher.” “You will be fine, Harry, trust me,” McGonagall assured him. If you get your anxiety under control, you will have done the hard part.” Harry knew from his Triwizard experience that it was true, but he still wasn’t sure exactly how he was going to Top Ed Orgeron Tiger King Shirt do it. “So, are we going back to Professor
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