My aunt had a Top Plaid Bigfoot And Reindeer Moon 2020 Shirt rescue crow whom. She kept because he was never able to fly. He was one of the most intelligent animals I ever met. Cursed like a sailor and would have been a full-blown alcoholic if you let him drink as much beer as he asked for, but he would hold full conversations with you, and it was very clear that he knew exactly what was being said and wasn’t just repeating what he had heard. I will never forget the time that we were staying there and my sister and I accidentally woke him up early. Man, he was so angry. Refused to speak to us for most of the day. Had to bribe him with French fries later just to get him to like us again.
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So I took the Top Plaid Bigfoot And Reindeer Moon 2020 Shirts some. Of my allowances and got some birdseed for him. I made a little shelf on my bedroom window and put a bowl on it and then the seeds. He just looked at me while he ate. I could tell he was smart. So. I was filling up my gas tank yesterday and a crow plopped down beside me and we just looked at each other. I remember reading crows were highly intelligent and make and use their own tools.. and today I read this post something strange is afoot and it’s not sweet serendipity.
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