Falling off the Top When One Door Closes Another One Nope I Nailed It Shut Vintage Shirt roof isn’t expected to be part of the job though. Surely she must have known going in, the sort of content they will be expected to moderate. This to me is more like a bin man complaining about the smell of the bins and how it haunts them. It is about risk. Falling off the roof isn’t part of the job, but the risk of falling off the roof is. Likewise, at the YouTube job, getting PTSD isn’t part of the job, but the risk is, and YouTube has not taken appropriate measures to mitigate that risk. What measures would you expect YouTube to take?
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If their Ai Top When One Door Closes Another One Nope I Nailed It Shut Vintage Shirts was reliable at taking down the correct videos, they wouldn’t need human moderators, no Ai is ever 100% and someone will always find a way around it. As someone said, methods such as presenting a series of still images instead of a video can listen to the emotional impact of violent videos. Maybe, but what’s stopping a content moderator from just clicking through the video while paused to show only still images, then playing the video if they are unsure from the stills? I’m in my later 20s now so I grew up as the Internet was developing, including all the nasty.
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