” “Pretty much what they were,” Dudley muttered from the other room. “So, now Malfoy’s in the same boat he wanted me in,” Harry continued. “Dudley gave him a chance to apologize and run away, but you know Malfoy. I had to Writer Naming Convention 1 Story Draft Docx 2 Story Draft 2 Docx Shirt block a few spells, and when Malfoy realized there was no getting away from Dudley, he Disapparated.” “Disapparated?” Hermione asked, shocked again. “But he can’t, he’s not old enough! He’s going to be in such trouble!”
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“Tell me about it. Now we’re going to see just how much good his family connections are, with his father in custody. He should be expelled, but first offense, he’ll probably get probation and a warning.” “He deserves worse,” Hermione said fervently. “What’s really bad is, he probably won’t get punished at all for coming to your street to Writer Naming Convention 1 Story Draft Docx 2 Story Draft 2 Docx Shirt assault you. It does seem like there’s no justice sometimes.” “I’m not holding my breath,” Harry agreed. How would I get there? Or Ron and Ginny, for that matter?” “Mr. Weasley has hooked up our fireplace to the Floo network,” she said. “The Weasleys could come straight from the Burrow, and you could come from Mrs. Figg’s house if she’s around and agrees. That could work.” “Yes, it could,” Harry agreed. “Have you asked the Weasleys about it yet?” “No, I was waiting for you, to see if you wanted to first,” she said.
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“I’ll ask them as soon as I get off the phone with you. I was thinking of tomorrow night. How would that be?” “That would be great. Listen, this just occurred to me, but… what would you think about inviting Neville, if it wouldn’t be too many people? I mean, we don’t have to, but I just thought it might be a nice thing to Writer Naming Convention 1 Story Draft Docx 2 Story Draft 2 Docx Shirt do,” Harry suggested. “Yes, that would be good,” she agreed. “It’s nice of you to think of that. It’s not like he has tons of friends, at least that I know of. I’ll ask Ron and Ginny what they think, and if it’s okay with them, then I will.” “Sounds good. I assume they don’t have phones, so you’ll communicate with them through their fireplaces? Owls would take too long, I guess.” In the background, Harry heard Dudley mutter, “Communicate through the fireplace?” Hermione said, “Yes, there’s not enough time for owls,” she agreed. “I’m thinking of
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