No apologies needed at all. There is a more liberal ass “take care of your people, fuck the government, fuck the police” kinda rednecks than most people realize! Did I get exposed to explicit racism as a You Sound Better With Your Mouth Closed Shirt child? No, actually. Not really. There was absolutely no explicit talking about race AT ALL actually. Mostly it was just a total lack of conversation and exposure to anyone of other races which is a problem when it continues generation after generation like that. It could’ve been worse in that regard, but it could’ve been a whole lot better.
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I think racism is more of a white trash thing than a You Sound Better With Your Mouth Closed Shirt redneck thing. If you are driving through the middle of bumfuck and get a flat tire, rednecks will show up and offer you free help. It really doesn’t matter what your skin color is, they will still ask you if you need help. That’s just the culture. White trash wouldn’t even help white people. They’d pull over and pretend to help so they can steal your tire iron to sell for meth money. Tbh with all these recent events I’ve tried to go back to history and see what it taught us. Eisenhower, while on one hand overseeing and condoning the redlining and white flight of that era, seemed at the very least to consider the MIC (military-industrial-complex) as a tool to build the nation with. He used FDR’s social programs and military engineers to get important dam works, local infrastructure, and the highways built
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Look, the modern GOP has been hijacked by fascists (cause we have to You Sound Better With Your Mouth Closed Shirt take into account the switch between 1920’s social Darwinist Dixiecrat and the transition solidified under LBJ), but I’d like to suggest that we can have respect for an earlier republican president in the same breathe and condemning the modern reactionary GOP that doubled down on representing the values of the worst of the national psyche.
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