As he finished telling Harry a story concerning a welcoming feast almost fifty years ago, Dumbledore said, “I notice people finishing, so I will be saying a few more words. After I finish, you will be free to Your First Mistake Was To Assume I’d Be One Of The Sheep Shirt head back to Gryffindor Tower. Excuse me, please.” Dumbledore stood up and moved to the podium. “Excuse me for interrupting your conversations. “Is something wrong with your schedule, Professor?” He thought she sounded amused, but he could never tell with her. “It’s perfect, which is why I’m surprised. How did it happen that all my classes line up at 2:00, one each day? That’s an amazing coincidence,” Harry pointed out. Now he was sure she looked amused. “Well, I’m pleased that your native intelligence was sufficient to notice. It is not a coincidence at all, as you may have guessed. One of my responsibilities as Deputy Headmistress is supervising the assembling
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Your house bulletin boards or your house’s prefects will have more information. Also, the first Hogsmeade weekend will take place on the last weekend of October, so third years, get your permission slips to your Head of House. “One final piece of business. decrees have been rescinded and are no longer in force.” This was met with a resounding cheer. “Thank you. Prefects, will you please show the first years back to their houses?” He stepped down as Harry saw Ron and Hermione gather up the first years to take them back to Gryffindor. He was getting up to Your First Mistake Was To Assume I’d Be One Of The Sheep Shirt leave when he saw McGonagall approach him. “Professor Potter, I’m glad I found you before you left. Harry’s first reaction was that it was a very neat, organized schedule. before the weekend. It looked like exactly the schedule he would have chosen if he could. He noted with further pleasure that he had no classes as a student with Slytherins; all of his classes were with Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws. It seemed too good to be true; he looked up at McGonagall.
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The mornings were when he would teach; he would study in the afternoons. He saw that his Monday schedule was: 8:00-9:50 Gryffindor/Slytherin year one, then 10:00-11:50 Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw year one. On Tuesday it was the same thing except with second years, and so on Your First Mistake Was To Assume I’d Be One Of The Sheep Shirt until he was teaching fifth years on Friday. His afternoons were equally neatly done; he was taking five classes, and every one of them was a once-a-week double class. All started at 2:00, with one each day: Potions with Snape on Monday,
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