Weasley, I guess…” He continued thinking. “You can’t think of anybody else, Harry?” she asked prompting him with her eyes. Harry saw what was in her eyes, then looked down, then back up. “You mean, you?” With barely concealed frustration, she blurted out, “Yes, I mean me! Come on, Harry, you know it, you couldn’t not know it. I love you. Ron loves you, though he’d rather die than admit it. Ginny loves you. And so ACDC Band 47th Anniversary 1973-2020 Signatures Shirt does Professor Dumbledore.” “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be slow. Maybe you’re right about my childhood.
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It seems strange for me to think in terms of love; it’s more like it’s a ACDC Band 47th Anniversary 1973-2020 Signatures Shirt theory instead of something that has any connection to me.” • 265 • “Well, that’s one of the reasons I wanted to talk about it,” Hermione said. “I think the more you think about it, the more you open yourself up and feel it, the more you’ll get used to it, and the better off you’ll be.” “I just realized something… when you said you loved me just a minute ago… that was the first time anybody had ever said that to me,” Harry said, with a kind of surprised look, almost like he’d had a revelation. He decided not to make an issue of it, and the other Slytherins stayed and appeared to enjoy the lesson. Thursday presented an escalating problem; four Slytherin fourth years skived off of Harry’s class using the Snackboxes. He knew he would have to act soon; he just wanted the violation to be sufficiently flagrant that the need for action would be obvious. Harry was in the staff room at lunchtime talking to Professor McGonagall about the situation when an owl flew in and dropped a letter on his head. The letter fell to the floor, and Harry picked it up. It was from Helen Clark, the Slytherin firstyear girl. He read silently. Dear Professor Potter, I wanted to tell you about what is going on here. It’s really bad. You were right about Malfoy. He’s really mad at all • 268 • the first and second years because they
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Tears sprang to Hermione’s eyes; Harry could tell that she was thinking of what it must have been like for him, never having heard that. She rushed forward and hugged him. “I do love you, Harry,” she said through her tears. He hugged her back tightly. He knew what he wanted to ACDC Band 47th Anniversary 1973-2020 Signatures Shirt say, what he should say, but it was difficult. Finally he managed it. “I know. I love you too.” She squeezed him harder. “And Ron, and Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley, and Sirius… and I suppose Professor Dumbledore, too… I just had never thought about it like that. I guess you knowTuesday’s lessons went roughly as Monday’s had. In some ways, that was to be expected; the second years were more or less first years in terms of their Defense Against the Dark Arts knowledge, as they had never had a useful class under Umbridge. Harry’s worry that the Slytherins might be more problematic proved unfounded; they seemed almost as enthusiastic as the Slytherin first years
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