with an America Landed On The Moon Shirtkidney, but double lung with the liver transplant or with heart transplant are exceedingly rare. I’m not aware of any other combinations. My brother died last month from heroin/opiates. . Now, the opioids are so strong and addictive that many users die within months of starting their abuse and their organs don’t have sustained damage.
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So, not respiratory depression? , and crack were easier to get off of, to America Landed On The Moon Shirt put it into perspective. water on them. As lots of folks said it’s usually a brain death from anoxic injury due to respiratory depression from the opioids. . . Cirrhotic/hepatitis to the liver, cardiomegaly from cocaine, lungs trashed from smoking, acute kidney injury… Lots of things addicts due can cause a deterioration before the overdose. Very happy for this man and the deceased person’s family to have this moment.
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I was kind of a lucky addict because I always had an America Landed On The Moon Shirtsafe and a clean place to stay/live. As a lot of people have chimed in, opioid OD is usually due to respiratory depression/failure. This actually means the heart and most organs are still viable for donation. Finally, the heart is capable of functioning on its own outside the body entirely as it works through self-regulated conduction! What kills you with an opioid overdose is typically hypoxia from losing their respiratory drive and consciousness. Sometimes the thing that kills them is aspiration pneumonia, where they inhale their vomit or trismus which is where they get lockjaw badly enough they can’t breathe which can happen until death with certain fentanyl analogs. This kid probably OD’d like they normally do, but was resuscitated to the point of being a vegetable or dying from his aspiration pneumonia or other complications in the hospital. Too much and there are no signals coming to your respiratory system and it fails.
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