His staff used to be funny. But it seems as though now he just goes to random places and genuinely annoys people. And messes with their Official To Bee Or Not To Bee Shirt. The car sale is one thing. It was a one on one and no harm is really done. But causing a racket in a supermarket is some bullshit I’d expect from Jake Paul. Not a nearly (probably over at this point) 40-year-old man. If you wanna go a little bit more abstract, it’s about our ability to regulate our emotions and the difference between good outlets and bad outlets for our societal anger; how we dehumanize those who aren’t immediately within our circles and wish harm/death so easily.
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I wonder how the ultra-thin needles are made. Wonder if it’s a similar process. And if there are extra steps required to strengthen. Then maintain consistency in the materials while they’re being worked. I think there are different sizes (gauges?). Maybe they just used big ones for ease of demonstration. Cuz yeah those look like the big ass donating blood needles in the video. Well, whaddya know? I ain’t seen one of the Official To Bee Or Not To Bee Shirt since I was prospecting on Subterrel. This baby belongs to them cloners. What you got here is a Kamino saber dart. I’m fairly certain I got stung by one of these at camp as a kid.
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All I remember was a bright, metallic green bug landing on my finger, looking at it like wtf is this, and then so much pain and confusion. I always wondered how just a mystery-bug “bite” could hurt so much… Vulture bees, much like maggots, usually enter the carcass through the eyes. They will then root around inside gathering the Official To Bee Or Not To Bee Shirt suitable for their needs. The vulture bee salivates on the rotting flesh and then consumes it, storing the flesh in its special stomach compartment. When it returns to the hive, this meat is vomited and processed by a worker bee, which breaks the meat down into an edible substance resembling honey.
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