lightly than usual; Harry did not go flying forward as he had expected. Harry reached up and patted him on the back; even though Harry had grown a Beer Drink Coffee I Hate People Vintage Shirt bit over the two summer months, he couldn’t come close to reaching Hagrid’s shoulder. “A professor! Well, Harry, I got to say, nothin’ yeh do surprises me anymore. I’m as proud of yeh as I was for myself when Professor Dumbledore made me a teacher. Congratulations.” “Thanks, Hagrid,” said Harry. “I’m looking forward to taking your N.E.W.T. class.
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I bet you’ll have some good stuff lined up.” “I will, don’t yeh worry. Now, yeh’d better be movin’ along there, yeh’ve got lots ter be doin’ today. I’ll find yeh when yer not so busy, we’ll have a cuppa.” “Good. See you later,” Harry said cheerfully. He continued walking toward the castle with McGonagall. “It’s good to see him here, like always,” Harry commented. “Last year when he wasn’t here, we were pretty concerned. It doesn’t feel quite right if he’s not around.” “I know what you mean, Harry… I’m sorry, I really should say, Professor Potter…” She paused for a Beer Drink Coffee I Hate People Vintage Shirt second, and Harry jumped in, hoping not to interrupt. • 184 • “Professor, please… I don’t plan on calling any teachers by their given name… except Hagrid, of course… but I still want you and Professor Dumbledore to call me Harry if you’d like. It really wouldn’t seem right otherwise.” She looked at him with what could be affected, but Harry found it hard to tell. “Very well, I shall keep that in mind.” They walked up the steps to the main entrance of the castle, and went inside.
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As it had during his Hogwarts visit a month ago, it seemed too barren to Harry, too in need of students walking and running in the hallways. They’ll be here soon enough, he thought. And then they’ll be expecting me to teach them. McGonagall led him to Beer Drink Coffee I Hate People Vintage Shirt her office. “I always meet with the new teacher first; conducting orientation is one of my responsibilities as deputy Headmistress. This meeting is to let you know what you will be doing over the next two days.” She went on to detail them: “There will be a
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